
Whose Baby?

Bought some puzzles from Jusco recently. Darling was initially reluctant as the age stipulated there is for 3 and 4 years old respectively. But hey, why can’t a two years old toddler learn whose baby and whose home, right? We finally decided to purchase it anyway. We didn’t regret purchasing this for Ethan at all. Now, he knows that a frog’s baby is a tadpole, a baby fish is called a ‘fry’, an owlet is […]


Like a champion..

Ethan has been having a runny nose for about a week now. The paed said it is just a common cold. The fact that his lungs are clear was what made this JUST a common cold, so he said. He has been taking his medication like a champion. I just wish that his nose will not be runny anymore tomorrow. This is the first time ever he is down with a ‘common cold’… Watch this […]



Every blogger will blog about this when the time comes. The moment of truth. The moment their blog hit the big ‘O’. Yes, my blog is ONE today! 6 October 2008, I started blogging. And now, the blogger side of me is ONE! Yee ha! And with all birthday(s), one thing is a must. I must thank all my loyal readers for supporting me all the way. Without you guys, my blog is nothing. I’ve […]


Getting ready for winter?

Sometimes, looking at what he does can really drive me nuts. Look what he did… Since he no longer wear diapers, this is what he uses them for these days? @_@


The HOSPITAL scent..

Showering can be fun, especially when I’m doing it with the right companion. Now, don’t go ‘yellow’ just yet. Companion here meant my liquid shower gel. All this while I’ve been showering with this liquid shower gel that is name after a bird and promises to provide extra moisture to the skin. I’ve been satisfied with it since the moment I started using it. Then recently, Darling went itchy and bought me another brand of […]


Happy Birthday FRIEND…

Today, 2 October 2009 is a very special day. Why? Because today marks the birth of a very special lady – Irene! Happy Birthday gal! It’s her 25th birthday and all she wishes for is for people to sing her the birthday song. So here goes… This goes out specially to YOU and YOU alone, Irene! Happy Birthday to YOU, Happy Birthday to YOU, Happy Birthday to Irene! Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! {Happy ROM Anniversary […]


This is the way I brush my teeth..

I am introducing toothpaste to Ethan. All this while, he has been brushing without it. But before I let him brush with toothpaste, I need to teach him to spit it out first. Let’s see how he fares… Ethan @ 2 years 2 mths


Mirror Image

One of the advantages of having a kid is that you can dress him/her up the way you want and they’ll never protest. (At least not yet; not at such a tender age.) The fact that I have a SON means that I can’t dress him to look like ME! So, what can I do? I dress BOTH my men so that they’ll look alike. No protest from the big one, the small one, ever […]


Zoo Negara, KL

Since Ethan enjoyed the Bird Park trip so much, we thought why not bring him to the zoo too? It will be so much more fun as he will get to see many types of animals. So to the zoo we went…Ticket price is RM15 per adult. As we entered, we were greeted by monkeys..   monkeys   and more monkeys! I was like, what? monkeys again? And let me tell you, they don’t smell […]



Darling’s friend from Penang dropped by for a visit last night. We went to the Curve and had dinner @ Fireman. Just for the fun of it, taking Ethan’s height. Kids below a certain height get to eat for free. Gave him the menu. We took the buffet package so we got to choose anything we wanted from the menu. But all this kid wanted was… RICE! My koala bear. I like his ‘body language’ […]


Night-market trader..

For years I’ve not been able to go to my favourite night market in SS2, PJ. Why? Because it is held every Monday, a work day. Since I don’t drive, I depend solely on my driver (Darling) to bring me there. But if it’s a working day, it will be almost impossible to get him to drive me there. Since last Monday was a festive holiday, I took that golden opportunity to get Darling to […]


Of Birds and NOT bees..

The long weekend… Being good citizens, Darling and I decided to make the road less crowded by NOT going back to our hometown. We decided to stay put in the Klang Valley instead. So what to do instead of the usual shopping? We went to KL Bird Park – The World’s LARGEST free-flight walk-in aviary. We got the tickets earlier during MATTA fair so our tickets are priced at RM10 per adult when the usual […]


Yummy Octopus?

I’m crazy over seafood these days. First the garlic fish, now, octopus? Well, I’m no expert in octopus. But she is! Take a look here for an octopus treat.


Fish is delicious

Ethan loves eating fish. I love eating fish. On a rushed day, all I need to do is to fry the fish, fry lots of garlic, toss it on the fish with some soya sauce and it’s all ready to be serve. So simple. Ethan loves his fish that way, mind you! Just watch this video. To him, my fish is DELICIOUS! :) Ethan @ 2 years 1 month


I miss this fella…

Before I got Ethan, I carried a handbag occasionally. I don’t really like to carry a handbag though. But was forced too. Otherwise, where to put the lipstick, powder and all the vanity stuffs back then? Those were the days when I was a ‘little’ vain~lah! Then, when I was in Bruxelles in 2006, I came across this CUTIE! I fell in love with it at first sight! I know I just HAD to have […]


Homemade Tau Foo Fah

The one thing I really look forward to have whenever I go back to my hometown is my mother’s homemade Tau Foo Fah. (I don’t know how to spell it, sorry!) She’ll blend the soaked beans. Filter it, boil it. Add in whatever she needs to add.Leave it for about an hour.And what I do on MY part is… to help eat it! Yummy.. super smooth tau foo fah! P/S: This must be the worst […]


Where (NOT) to let your toddler sleep…

Kids and mommies out there, don’t try this at home. NEVER let your toddler sleep on the stairways. DANGEROUS!!! ^_^


Sushi Aid

Ethan and I really love sushi. We can’t afford to dine out each time we want some sushi so I really need to ‘master’ the art of making sushi. Try as I might, I still can’t get my sushi to be cutely rolled. It will always end up weird. Then that day I was in a 100 yen shop, I found this gadget. Immediately I grabbed it. The very next morning, I tried making sushi […]


The Mask

We wanted to go to the MATTA fair last weekend. Knowing how crowded the place would be, Darling bought some face masks for us, Ethan inclusive. But Ethan refused to wear his mask. He’ll cover his mouth with his hands and pull it off if I forced it onto him. So I thought, why not make the mask cuter? Maybe he’ll like it then. So I sew a smiley face on the mask. Ethan was […]


Ethan’s celebrity look-alike # 1

When I see Ethan in this photo, it somehow reminds me of this famous singer…V V V V V V V V V Picture courtesy of the world wide web Why? I don’t know. (Maybe simply because they BOTH have nice smiles…?! ^^) Anyway, THIS way is better… ;P


Hari Raya in 1Utama

If you missed your ‘kampung’ already, 1U is the place to go. So nice the settings this year. I find it very pleasant and very comfy. Real village style. You’ll feel like you are in some fishing village.With real sand and real sea shells… NICE! Selling all sorts of handicrafts. All these are made from coconut shells. Nice food sold in sampans. And.. the little rascal. Can never resist a stage. Whenever there’s a stage, […]


When the EYE is BROKEN!

I was toying with my camera and Ethan was ‘talking‘ to Grandma through his toy phone. Suddenly, he accidentally knocked his eye with the phone and shouted, “Mummy, Ethan’s eye broken dy!” I checked, no, it was not BROKEN… but he kept going on and on and on that it is broken.. :P What do we do when our child’s eye gets ‘broken’? @@ Ethan @ 2 years 1 month


Never ever cook when you are unhappy..

because, your dish might disagree with you too. This morning, I thought I may sulk the whole day today. Went to the kitchen to cook as usual. Look what happen to my fish! VVVVVVVVV Just look at the poor fella. All curled up like that! When I called Darling into the kitchen to look, both of us had the greatest laugh ever. There goes my sulking and here I am, happy again! :)


First Contest in this blog! – THE RESULTS

I would like to thank all participants for your creative input in this contest. The 2 bloggers who will walk away with the movie tickets and handmade crafts are: 1) Richard Ling. Read about his cute post here.2) Cynthia Wong. Her approach on the contest is rather unique. Read about it here. Other bloggers (for the handmade crafts) have been notified by email. Please allow two weeks for delivery. Thank you once again and happy […]



What better way to spend the long weekend break than being with close family members? We went to my cousin Kym’s place on Sunday as my mother, sisters, nieces, aunt, uncle and cousins were there and had a great time. It was also Ethan’s first time with the Nintendo Wii but I didn’t get the opportunity to capture his action as I was too engrosed eating mata kucing. In the evening, we went to the […]


Shocking, freaky …

Today Darling, Ethan and I were having our family day out at the mall when this lady came and approach and called out my name. I turned to look but I didn’t recognise her. Then she introduced herself. She is the ‘J’ that always comments anonymously in my blog. How did she recognised me? She saw me browsing my own blog, (ok,ok, so sue me if I browse my own blog during a family day […]


Why is the Sun so hot? Why doesn’t he want to sleep?

Every morning, once Ethan got up from sleep, he’ll cross over from his crib to our bed. He will slowly but surely shove us aside to wake us up and to take over our pillows. What I’ll do though is to quickly pull up the shades and open the window to let the strong sun come in so that it will be too glaring for him to stop his ‘quest’ for our pillows. These days, […]


The cat’s eyes

I call this fruit ‘mata kucing‘. If you have been following my blog closely, you would have known by now that I am not so genius. Who can tell me what’s the difference between this and longan? Are they the same? Or are they different? Many people have advised me against eating this fruit, claiming that it is full of pesticide and harmful chemicals. But I love it so much. Darling knew how much I […]


What came in the mail today…

Ethan was about to fall asleep for his afternoon nap today when the mail man rang the bell and ‘woke‘ him up. We went out and got a registered mail from MummyMoon. This boy got excited and wanted to open up the mail so I let him.. Look at his sleepy eyes! Those eye bags are sure huge, don’t you think so? We got some foam work craft from her. Thank you so much MummyMoon […]



Ethan will without fail request for sushi every weekend when we go out. I don’t know why, but that boy just loves sushi. I think he got it from me! I love sushi too! So finally I bought my sushi starter pack and tried making sushi this morning. Having him by my side whilst making sushi is sure difficult! When I cut a roll, he’ll eat quarter of it. When I placed the cut sushi […]


First Burn

Went back to my in-law’s place yesterday. SIL gave Ethan two lanterns. One Ultraman and another Pooh Bear. The Ultraman’s using candle and the Pooh using LED. Decided to let him try the Ultraman lantern. He was happy to carry it around. Then he put it down. You know he loves blowing candles right? So blow he did. Next thing we know, he went to grab that candle! Of course, the hot wax burnt his […]


Nice puzzles

Since Ethan is in the puzzle mania these days, my eyes are trained to spot PUZZLES whenever I go out shopping. I went to Popular today. Yes, yes, I went out, despite the H1N1. I just can’t stand being cooped in 7 days a week! I am as pale as a ghost already from the lack of sunshine, I can’t even remember how the street in my neighbourhood looked like, kay? (Alright, exaggerating there… ) […]


What do rhinocerous eat?

I taught Ethan on animals and what they eat sometime back. He knows what frog, roaches, giraffe, elephant, birds, cats and many more common animals eat. And then, he started playing with more ‘sophisticated‘ animals. Today, he asked me, “Rhino eat what?”, “Hippo eat what?”. I was dumb folded as I do not know the answer. I was not online that moment so I can’t google for answers. I quickly sms 3 people deemed ‘genius’ […]


How I toilet train Ethan

Remember I blog about Ethan being diaper free @ 2 years old? Well this is how I trained him… Now, can anybody actually understand what he says? I am so used to hearing him talk, I can understand, but for those of you listening for the first time, do try to see if you understand half the word he is saying…^^ If only the ACTUAL training is this easy, life will be marvelous! LOL..


When there’s something strange, who do you call?

Ghostbusters? No~lah, this is not a friendly Casper. This is the little rascal being bored to pieces. Since the H1N1 outbreak, he has been ‘grounded’ at home. No playground, no shopping, no nothing! (My area has cases and the schools has been ordered to close, so you can imagine my paranoia here). Every nook and corners of the house is his ‘playground’ these days. But I think, before he goes bonkers with boredom, I’ll be […]


Peranakan (Baba Nyonya Wedding)

When I got married, I did not do it the Peranakan style. I almost did not do it the Chinese style too. I did not wear that RED outfit (what is that call again?). I wore an English wedding gown. Mat Salleh celup lah kata kan… People like me are the ones that should be thrown far far away for not following custom. Anyway, all ME aside, my cousin Cherylene married her sweetheart Eddie the […]


How to peel and store pomelo

My sister in law went to Ipoh recently and gave us one pomelo. You know right, Ipoh is famous for this fruit? Anyway, how do you peel your pomeloes? For us, Darling peeled it this way… After that, clean the excess skin off the pomelo. Place it back in it’s outer ‘shell‘And close it. Open and take the pomeloes when you are ready to eat them. :)


My Craft Blog is now in Dot Com

Hello everybody! For all of you who have been following me on my Craft blog, I am delighted to announce that it has migrated to a Dot Com neighbourhood. Please feel free to relink and refollow my craft blog in order to get the latest updates as the old Blogger feed is no longer applicable. Welcome and do visit my new craft home here. Thank you for visiting and hope to see you there! http://www.crafty-crafted.com/


Asian Style Chicken Stew

Was browsing the newspaper yesterday when I came across this recipe by Amy Beh. I love stew so I must try this. This morning I tried it and it came out nice! The recipe half chicken, chopped 5 dried Chinese mushrooms, soaked and halved 1 tomato, quartered 1 medium-sized carrot, cut into wedges 2 potatoes, cubed 1 onion, sliced 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 tbsp oil 150ml water Marinade 1 tsp oyster sauce 2 tbsp […]


The Sound of ABC

I never like to teach children below the age of 4 reading the phonetic way. I find it troublesome and they found it confusing. I always use the whole word approach for younger children. But as I was teaching my older students the phonetic approach, this busy body of mine was always around. Yesterday, he requested for the ABC book and started to sound all the 26 letters of the alphabets. To mothers out there […]


Grandma’s 88th Birthday

We celebrated our Grandma’s 88th birthday on the 8/8/09. I was a total failure as a blogger that night as I appeared without my camera! One thing you must know about my Grandma and her 9 children is that they have a neighbourhood all by themselves. Each of the house are located just next to each other. And we all just walk from one house to the other. So, from my mother’s house to my […]


Diaper Ant

Since Ethan is not using much diapers these days, his diaper bag is hardly touched, at least not until last weekend when I was packing to go back hometown. I did not check the bag initially. Just load somemore diapers in it. But don’t know why, I have a strong feeling to take them all out and rearrange. That is when I found out that ants have been living in there! Loads of ants scattered […]


Solving puzzles

I never thought of giving Ethan puzzles to play with. I always find puzzles troublesome and I can imagine him throwing all the pieces away and slowly losing piece by piece. Until that day, Irene gave Ethan a puzzle that consists of 4 sets of 12 pieces puzzles. He took an instant interest in it. To date, he is able to master all four puzzles. This is a video of him solving one of his […]


What itchy hands do to itchy legs…

Whenever the mozzies kissed him, he’ll scratch and scratch like mad. Doesn’t help that I applied some soothing creams on him. It won’t give the same satisfaction as scratching does! His itchy fingers will go on scratching his itchy legs until they bleed and leave unsightly scars. So these days, the first thing I’ll do if I see a mozzie bite on him is this! I have boxes and boxes of cute plasters to conceal […]


Spears making a comeback

Oh Baby Baby…Oops I Did It Again… Hit me baby one more time! This fella is trying to give Ms Spears a run for her money with his belly strutting act. Next thing I know, he’ll ask to get his belly pierced! Taken on the stage of Dumex promotion in 1U over the weekend. ^^


Shocking stares!

We normally have mall~weekends. There is nothing much we like to do except going to malls for window shopping. Yesterday, as we were walking, Ethan told me that he was getting tired and sleepy. So I placed him in his stroller and gave him his pacifier and something else to play with. Few minutes later, Darling and I got a very uneasy feeling as people were staring into the stroller with shocking looks on their […]


I’ll work harder!

Darling’s at the PC fair today. He wanted to get me a laptop, but at the very last minute, decided against it! Hahaha.. And I am still laughing here. Why? Because I never asked to be given a laptop in the first place. It’s just him, he saw me online so frequent these days, he is afraid I will ‘damage‘ his precious desktop at home and thought of getting me my own laptop. Alas, I […]


One diaper a day, keeps Mommy happy!

As I am typing this post, my bum is literally dancing on my seat. Why? Because Ethan is now officially diaper free during the day! Hurray! Every mother’s dream come true! I did not do anything to train him off diapers previously. Just the day after he turns two, I took his diapers off during the day and let him around the house with his underwear and pants. I had to monitor him and bring […]


Hidden Meat

Ethan is similar to me in the sense that he prefers to eat his greens compared to meat. If he senses that there are too much meat in the rice in his mouth, he will throw it out. He is not a picky eater. It’s just that he prefers to eat veges rather than meat. So, sometimes when I cook, I’ll try to hide the meat in the greens. One good example is the egg […]


Locked Out

I was outside, at the porch, hanging my laundry. I left the door grill close but door open so I can still see Ethan playing in the house. Whilst I was busy with the laundry, this rascal went and twist the door lock and shut the door! I was horrified! Ran to the door, and it was locked! Die~man! Ethan was inside the house all alone, locked! And I was outside! My knees went wobbly […]


Loh Hon Chai

Back in my ol’ school days, I loved it when my mother prepared this dish for us. Today, my boys love it when I prepare this for them!  Ingredients: cooking oil glass noodles (tung hoon) wood ear fungus red bean curd cabbage chinese mushroom carrot dried beancurd vegetarian oyster sauce soy sauce sugar water garlic (optional – if you are a vegetarian that doesn’t take garlic, you may omit it from the recipe) 1) […]


I’ve reach payout!

These days, Ethan refuses to nap in the evenings. Only occasionally will he nap. Most of the time, he’ll stay awake the whole day! That means, I have less time to go online. So when I do have time to go online at night when he finally dozes off, I’ll check my blog and go blog hopping first. Then, multi task to myLot. I’ve not been too active in myLot last week since I was […]


Meeting a blogger friend

See this lil‘ missy? Recognise this lil‘ missy? Good if you do, if you don’t, wait till the end of this post to see who she is. I’ve been chatting with this fellow blogger quite a lot over MSN. Yesterday, we finally met up @ The Curve, Ikano and Ikea. I went there with Ethan alone without Darling as he needs to work. She came with her hubs and lil‘ missy. This is my favourite […]


7 Days

Remember Ethan reciting the 12 months of the year? Well, I thought since he knows his twelve months, why not try the seven days of the week? Who knows, as foong says, it might be ‘kacang putih‘! But it is not so ‘kacang’ putih’ after all. Ethan finds it easier to recite the months instead of the days. But in the end, this is the result.. Don’t ask me why he pronounce his Saturday that […]


Take 2

Now that Ethan’s birthday is over and no more blowing of candles, Ethan and I will lie down on the floor and play back the video recordings of him blowing the candles as he loves it to the max! Just a moment ago, I found this video that I’ve overlooked when I did the earlier post on Ethan’s birthday. I find that I love his expression here very much. With just one blow, both the […]


(Not) The Correct Way To Carry Your Toddler

Each time after his bath, Ethan loves to be wrapped and carried this way. It never fails to make him laugh. I can’t carry him like that though. Only Daddy can do it.. ^^


Ethan is TWO today!

My little rascal is two today. How time flies! I baked him a simple butter cake of heart and star shape. He helped me in the process and got very excited once he saw the cute cake! The cake. This is how they looked like fresh out from the oven. I got these silicone moulds from Daiso. Darling got him a cake that was supposed to be shared with my students tonite. But suddenly, the […]


His latest set of pillows

Got a latest set of pillows recently. Todate he has so many pillows already! All custom made by Grandma! This time, he got his favourite character, the Mickey Mouse all over his pillow.Can you see how happy he is? It came with a matching bolster too. Thank you Grandma!

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About Me

MeHome is where MY heart is.
I am a mother to two boys; Ethan and Ayden and a wife to Darling William. I'm a stay at home mum who blogs to break the monotony of life and to avoid feeling jaded. Would love to get to know all the Super Mommies and Daddies and Babies or Singles out there with the hope that we can learn more from each other. Most of all, I am a happy person, and I hope YOU are too.

Click here to learn more about me ^_^

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Easy Tong Sui Recipes

Resipi Kuih Muih Tradisional

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Ayden and Mummy demo making CNY snacks


Submerryn and Mummy doing LIVE Peranakan Cooking Demo

Submerryn NTV7 Breakfast Show

Submerryn talks about coping with physical changes during pregnancy

Submerryn ON TV3, MHI

CNY Ang Pow lantern making demo and playing with snakes

Submerryn ON TV2 Hello On Two

CNY Ang Pow lantern making demo

Submerryn On TV3 KidsNews

Crafting with Ethan on KidsNews

Submerryn On Bernama Radio24

Submerryn In The Star Metro

Submerryn In The Star, In.Tech

Moms who’ve banked on their hobbies and build successful businesses

Submerryn In The Star, Metro

Tossing Lou Sang

Submerryn In Sin Chew

Family holiday trip

Thailand: Impiana Kata Noi

Thailand: Impiana Patong

Thailand: Novotel Hua Hin Cha-Am

Thailand: Swissotel Kamala

Thailand: Novotel Sukhumvit

Thailand: Novotel Ploenchit

Novotel Bangkok Ploenchit Sukhumvit

Thailand: Novotel Karon

Thailand: Novotel Surin

Thailand: Holiday Inn Mai Khao

Holiday Inn Resort Mai Khao and Activities for the Family

Thailand: Vana Nava Water Jungle

Thailand: Plearnwan Hua Hin

Thailand: Santorini Park Cha-am

Thailand: Asiatique Sky Bangkok

Indonesia: Holiday Inn Bali

Holiday Inn Resort Bali and Activities for the Kids

S’pore: Shangri-La Singapore

S’pore: Shangri-La Rasa Sentosa

S’pore Skyline Luge Sentosa

S’pore Universal Studio

Universal Studio Singapore

S’pore River Cruise

Singapore River Cruise

S’pore S.E.A Aquarium

S.E.A Aquarium, Sentosa, Singapore

S’pore Hotel Jen Tanglin

Klang Valley: Impiana KLCC

Port Dickson: Lexis Hibiscus

Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson and Activities for the Family

Port Dickson: Thistle

Thistle Port Dickson

Penang: Golden Sands Resort

Golden Sands Resort, Penang

Penang: Holiday Inn Resort

Holiday Inn Resort Penang and Activities for the Kids

Penang: Shangri-La Rasa Sayang

Shangri-La Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Batu Feringghi Beach, Penang

Pahang: Swiss-Garden Kuantan

Pahang: Bukit Gambang Safari Park

Bukit Gambang Resort City

Melaka: Holiday Inn

Melaka: Hotel Equatorial

Equatorial Hotel Melaka

Melaka: Estadia by Hatten

Estadia by Hatten

Melaka: Novotel

Novotel Melaka

Melaka: Philea Resort & Spa

Johor: Pulai Springs Resort

Pulai Springs Resort, Johor Bahru

Johor: The Crystal Crown Arch

Johor: Dinosaur Alive Water Park

Johor: Legoland

Legoland, Johor

Johor: Hello Kitty

Sanrio Hello Kitty Town, Nusajaya Johor

Perak: The Haven Resort Hotel, Ipoh

Perak: Lost World of Tambun

Perak: Swiss-Garden Beach Resort

T’ganu: Resorts World Kijal
